REVERIE - Lost in Thoughts; A Daydream.


You know, most times, we let the inhibitions created by the society hamper our dreams and aspirations. However, the fact that there are no skyscrapers reaching the sun, does not mean that you cannot dine with the stars; and the fact that the world seems to large and wide, does not mean you cannot hold it in your hands.

Fatola Israel _ Reverie _ Charcoal on Paper Progress

Think about it, dream it, feel the earth crust in your palms, let the seas and oceans flow through your fingers. Gird up your loins and brace yourself to face the star lights.

Let your imaginations soar far endlessly like the birds in the free skies, free the cages of your heart and let it hang open.

Across sunny skies and bumpy clouds,
I'll let the closed cage of my heart open
And let my thoughts free like the bird soaring the skies.
I'll dream of skyscrapers reaching high to touch the sun
And Starlight to reach out and craw the stars out of the sky.

I'll dream of the impossible Utopia where all is well and swell,
I'll dream of the serene scene where crickets sing
in tune with the rushing waters.
I'll dream of the dance of the birds
In harmony with the gentle sway of the grass

As they caress my legs.
I'll dream of a world with no ills and evil still.
I'll dream of the impossible and let my imaginations
Run as wild as a gazelle on ragged mountains.
I'll dream of the impossible and it will be

Artist. Fatola Israel
Title: "Reverie"
Medium: Compressed Charcoal, Generals Charcoal and Kimberly on paper
Dimension: 3 by 4 feet (36 by 48 Inches)
Year: 2019

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