Time Perspective 02: This is the story of a helpless woman who is about to become famous, but for the very wrong reasons.

We are all currently going through the coronavirus pandemic, and I can't help but ask the question of whether people have to choose between dying by the Virus or by other means?

Means such as fear, hate, racism, ignorance or even starvation. Should there be a need for that question in the first place?

World Nations casting aspersions on another, so much to blame on the topic of transparency, and world domination. The negligence of Health institutions. Conspiracy theories floating through the wind, here and there.

After all is said and done, what do we make of all these?

The idea of legacy may remind us of death, but it's not about death. Being reminded of death is actually a good thing, because death informs life. It gives you a perspective on what's important. It helps us decide the kind of life we want to live and the kind of world we want to live in.

Leaving a legacy is a human need. It is in part selfish – we want to feel immortal. The idea of leaving something behind that will "live forever" is appealing. We also want to feel like we matter in the vast sea of humanity. By connecting with those at the beginning of their lives, we do complete a full circle in life's journey and leave some of our "selves" – our experiences, ideas, values, and personal example – in the minds and hearts of others. 

But leaving a legacy also has an altruistic component. If we don't leave a positive legacy, what kind of society are we building? What kind of world are we leaving behind? What are we passing on to our children and grandchildren?

Artist. Fatola Israel
Series: The Legacy Project (004)
Title: "Time Perspective 03" 
Medium: Compressed Charcoal, Generals Charcoal and Kimberly Pencils on paper
Dimension: 3 by 4 feet (36 by 48 Inches)
Year: 2020

You can contact the HeavenlyArtz Team via e-mail: heavenlyartz@yahoo.com or call +2348144764682 for inquiries.


  1. Amazing man, keep the fire burning.

  2. I walked praying round UI 7 times and God knowing my lust asked me who's to say footprint will you leave in the sands of time and he said, he replied saying, it's yours lord. What will the flesh say? Lawrence oyor


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