The Voice of the Voiceless - My approach to Light, Composition, and others Elements

Fatola's The Voice of the Voiceless

Your understanding and appreciation of this piece "The Voice of the Voiceless" lies in my intent to create. This can be enhanced by asking the questions, "Why was this created?" and What is it's purpose?" My Candid Answer:

By replicating reality in the finest detail, I have simply pursued Truth. It's very simple. The reason why I have created this piece is an attempt to reveal the Truth about how the world looks, and how it works. My aim is to force you to confront Azeez' troublesome gaze. And I sincerely hope the truth I discover (which I believe is endless) provides a valid commentary on his condition as a human.

Throughout my Project "Through Heaven's Eye's", I will be reaching outward to describe truths of "others". Truth about humanity - by puting myself in their position, and trying to reflect with a great honesty, their innermost acclaim. experiences and emotions. Like I've done with "Aliya" "The Voice of the Voiceless" discloses the Truth about Azeez' struggle with life as a boy growing up in Nigeria. Born with a speaking inability, and difficulty in hearing.

Stage One 

A story may be untold, but that doesn't diminish it's value. I was compelled to tell the story of this teenager born dumb, and partially deaf. Fortunately for humanity, He is an artist who has so far stayed true to his course.

I've only met Azeez for about 9 months now. I see him come by the studio almost every day. Although it took me a while to learn about his situation (I had always thought of him to be so quiet and always smiling) I was thrilled the very moment I learnt of his natural ailment. At that instance, with a gush of excitement flowing through me, I instantly captured him in the most glorifying manner I could think of.

It's glorious. I have never felt more accomplished as I worked on this piece. I'm glad to serve as a voice for Azeez through my Art, to try to communicate his intent and emotions to the outside world.

Studio Shots of the drawing

The major elements employed in the language of this piece are Composition, Texture. Light and Value . I have also used actual and implied time and motion as means to convey this to you. Let me tell you a little bit about my Light and Texture


What is this stuff called #light ? light is electromagnetic energy of various wavelengths. That part of the spectrum that stimulates the eyes and produces visual sensations, as you can observe when you closely take a calm look at this piece. In shooting the reference for this artwork, I paid close attention to ensuring that it strongly contrasts light and dark to make a forceful differentiation between the figure and the background, and yet simulating both elements as though they are one.

Studio Photos


I have sought to depict the appearance of the model with an Implied Texture. Meaning the very realistic rendering of the details on the face - the softness of the skin, differs from the surface of the paper. The motive behind this is to yield visual impressions quite different from the surface character of my smooth paper. 

I hope I have been able to achieve a tactile quality through my use of implied texture. (trust me guys, I love the process of detailing my works. It's bliss 😊) However, when you stand close to this piece, the art of my illusion becomes apparent, and the subject dissolves into the texture of my pencil strokes/lines.

What I've only done is just layering thousands of overlapping strokes/lines. There are so many variables that goes into it.

Title : The Voice of the Voiceless
Series: Through Heaven's Eyes
Medium: Graphite only on Smooth Card Paper 
Dimension: 3 by 4.08333 feet (36 by 49 inches) 
Year: 2018
Artist. Fatola Israel Heavenly

You can contact the HeavenlyArtz Team via e-mail: or call +2348144764682 for inquiries on Art sales, Exhibitions,  Commission, and  so on.



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