"ALIYA" from the series: Through Heaven's Eyes

Aliya Done on with the charcoal Medium on Paper

Don't grow up.
Time tells of old tales
Or so the teller tells
Memories may mark your light
More memories may mar your night
But don't forget the splash of colours
Swimming through your rainbow lenses
Don't forget crumbs of crawling favours
Sprinkled on the sands of time

Girl, don't grow up.
But if you do,
Don't loose your sight,
For they see "Through Heaven's Eyes"

A close up shot to the Drawing- Aliya done by Fatola Israel 


My name is Fatola Israel and I just want YOU to be inspired. I have so many things to say (as an Artist, musician, and a photographer). However,  let me begin by introducing to you the very first work off my ongoing series "Through Heaven's Eyes". What do you think about Aliya's countenance? Does it make you question so many things like I do?  Does it make you feel things could be better if we take that one step?  More importantly, does it give you hope, just like it is giving me??? 'Cos I believe it is in asking the right questions that we itch closer to problem solving in today's world.

Aliya- Nothing can stop Greatness. I will keep growing....

At this point I'm totally inspired, and I hope you are too - towards diverting the nature on ongoing conversations from the clutch of social media to more practical solutions in today's world
A detailed shot of my piece "Aliya" off my ongoing Series Through Heaven's Eyes.
This piece is executed with the charcoal medium only on a smooth Card Paper.

Title: "Aliya"
Series: "Through Heaven's Eyes"
Medium:  Charcoal on Paper
Dimension: 33 by 48 inches (2.75 by 4 Feet)
Year:  2018
Artist:  Fatola Israel

You can contact the HeavenlyArtz Team via e-mail: heavenlyartz@yahoo.com or call +2348144764682 for inquiries on Art sales, Exhibitions,  Commission, and  so on.



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