Family Photo - 01 (Series) - The need for the preservation of our Common Heritage; Natural Habitat and Biodiversity

You think they are soulless 
But spurs and sprinkles of spiritness
Spring out of a ruffle of feathers here, 
A bleating sigh there, 
A cluck cluck cluck around the clock all day, 
And the sweet swaying dance of the grass with the breeze. 

 The turkey, she fluffs her feather "is it I this day? "
You think she's proud,  aye? 

The ram, he bleats
He looks upon his kid
The suckling calf, born on the fifth day
Or were'nt they all born on the fifth day ?
 At least The preacher said so; the whistling preacher 

You come all collared up with your knife,
The ram bleats a sigh of relief as the shearer struts past his family.

Everyone he passed knew his destination was
The ever clucking clever chicken cleaving on to her last clove of eggs...

Title : Family Photo 01
Series: Family Photo
Medium: Charcoal and Graphite on Smooth Card Paper
Dimension: 3 by 4.08333 feet (36 by 49 inches)
Year: 2019
Artist. Fatola Israel Heavenly

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