"Gwitter Man" encapsulates the experience of man's struggle, highlighting elements such as Hope and Optimism

*Gwitter man* 

His eyes lie haunted
In shades of blue and dark
His life lies likewise
As colours that shade the sky
Even darker
For his was without a glitter.

Pathing  through the forest of life
Twisted twigs of twines
Mapped a maze along his path
But this he could not see
For his eyes held bowls of a sea
Of troubles and obscene things
He has seen.

Artist. Fatola Israel

Title : Gwitter Man
Series: Through Heaven's Eyes
Medium: Graphite and Charcoal on Smooth Card Paper
Dimension: 3 by 4 feet (36 by 48 inches)
Year: 2018

You can contact the HeavenlyArtz Team via e-mail: heavenlyartz@yahoo.com or call +2348144764682 for inquiries on Art sales, Exhibitions,  Commission, and  so on.



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