"In The Darkest Hour" An Attempt to Provoke More Actions and Conversations Against Sexual Abuse in the #MeToo Era

In The Darkest Hour #MeToo

My Intention:

This initiative encompasses the outbursts of varying struggles of women as part of society, thereby rallying you and I to own major stakes in the transformation of our eco system.

I have been observing patterns for several years, which has now accumulated. Hence forcing me to create "In The Darkest Hour" as part of my ongoing Series "Through Heaven's Eyes". My artistic contibrutiion to the #MeToo movement
With several stories currently going round the media on Sexual Abuse Scandals, from the 3-10 years jail sentence of Bill Crosby (said to be the first celebrity trial of the #MeToo Era), to the recent allegation of Sexual Assault against US Supreme Court nominee Judge Hon. Brett M. Kavanaugh,  the accuser, Dr. Christine Bladder Ford says the major reason why she has come out is in her responsibility "To Tell The Truth". 

Stage One
Talking about telling the truth, It is quite unfortunate that so many victims have been shunned and not allowed to vent about their awful experiences. I recall an update from a reporter saying a victim was told by her own parents "never" to share her experience of rape.
And with a close cognizance as to what the governments of the world are doing and the measures taken to prevent these mishaps, I, Fatola Israel, personally think it is rather safe now to say that the concept that democracy will save us needs to be ridiculed. 

Stage 3

We must employ the potent tools at our disposal to effect the change we want- Art,  Music, Internet, Documentary, Film.... and many more.

This is why me MUST continue to use our creativity to create works of Art that will spread the word of Solidarity and Equality. Human beings are worth so much and I stand in solidarity with all the victims of sexual harassment.
One Woman Abuse is a Crime Against All Women. STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.

With this practice of Art, I intend to provoke actions that would ignite creativity and solve more problems in the world today 

Title : In The Darkest Hour
Series: Through Heaven's Eyes
Medium: Charcoal on Smooth Card Paper
Dimension: 3 by 4.08333 feet (36 by 49 inches)
Year: 2018
Artist. Fatola Israel Heavenly

You can contact the HeavenlyArtz Team via e-mail: heavenlyartz@yahoo.com or call +2348144764682 for inquiries on Art sales, Exhibitions,  Commission, and  so on.



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