"In The Darkest Hour" An Attempt to Provoke More Actions and Conversations Against Sexual Abuse in the #MeToo Era

In The Darkest Hour #MeToo My Intention: This initiative encompasses the outbursts of varying struggles of women as part of society, thereby rallying you and I to own major stakes in the transformation of our eco system. I have been observing patterns for several years, which has now accumulated. Hence forcing me to create "In The Darkest Hour" as part of my ongoing Series "Through Heaven's Eyes". My artistic contibrutiion to the #MeToo movement With several stories currently going round the media on Sexual Abuse Scandals, from the 3-10 years jail sentence of Bill Crosby (said to be the first celebrity trial of the #MeToo Era), to the recent allegation of Sexual Assault against US Supreme Court nominee Judge Hon. Brett M. Kavanaugh, the accuser, Dr. Christine Bladder Ford says the major reason why she has come out is in her responsibility "To Tell The Truth". Stage One " Talking about telling the truth, It is quite unfort...