The Voice of the Voiceless - My approach to Light, Composition, and others Elements

Fatola's The Voice of the Voiceless Your understanding and appreciation of this piece "The Voice of the Voiceless" lies in my intent to create. This can be enhanced by asking the questions, "Why was this created?" and What is it's purpose?" My Candid Answer: By replicating reality in the finest detail, I have simply pursued Truth. It's very simple. The reason why I have created this piece is an attempt to reveal the Truth about how the world looks, and how it works. My aim is to force you to confront Azeez' troublesome gaze. And I sincerely hope the truth I discover (which I believe is endless) provides a valid commentary on his condition as a human. Throughout my Project "Through Heaven's Eye's", I will be reaching outward to describe truths of "others". Truth about humanity - by puting myself in their position, and trying to reflect with a great honesty, their innermost acclaim. experiences and emotions. ...