LOST - The Narrative and Expressive Properties

"Lost" Complete Drawing by Fatola Israel The versatility of shades as seen in "Lost" aims to create the illusion of three-dimensionality as provided by the graceful play of light across the surface of the little boy's face, stretched further to the lines of the fabric and the folded hands, which in themselves exude a certain emotion in their varying thickness, densities and values. Some of these attributes are more pronounced, clearly defined, while others cast into the shadows. "Lost" fabric details - Drawing by Fatola Israel By replicating reality in the finest detail, I have simply pursued Truth, in an attempt to reveal the Truth about how the world looks, and how it works. This Project "Through Heaven's Eye's" reaches outward to describe truths of "others". Truth about humanity - by puting myself in their position, and trying to reflect with a great honesty, their innermost acclaim. experience...